city of york council
(Standing Advisory Council On Religious Education)
To: |
Councillors Cullwick, Cuthbertson, Fitzpatrick and Rowley, Kate Bailey, Deborah Evans, John Thompson, Daryoush Mazloum, Ben Rich, Rev Keith Albans, Penny Coppin-Siddall, Ian Hodgson, Olivia Seymour, Katherine Harper, Claire Hennigan, Brenda Christison |
Date: |
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Time: |
5.00 pm
Venue: |
Remote Meeting |
1. Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting |
(Pages 1 - 4) |
To approve the minutes of the previous SACRE meeting held on 14 October 2020.
3. Membership Update |
(Pages 5 - 6) |
A verbal update on SACRE membership will be given.
4. National Data |
(Pages 7 - 10) |
Members will receive a report on the national data for GCSEs and A Levels.
5. Approval of Annual Report |
(Pages 11 - 16) |
To receive and approve Annual Report. This is a requirement at this meeting in order to meet the national deadline for final approval to send to the Secretary of State.
6. SACRE Development Plan |
Verbal report on progress towards the Development Plan and review of priorities in light of pandemic arrangements.
7. Monitoring of Standards |
(Pages 17 - 24) |
A verbal update will be given on the current context of Ofsted Reports, Local Authority monitoring and SACRE support.
8. National RE and Collective Worship updates |
To receive a report detailing NASACRE updates.
Please see: THEOS Worldviews in Religious Education
9. Correspondence on complaints / determinations |
A verbal update will be given on complaints received and the determinations in respect of those complaints.
10. Urgent Business
11. Future meeting dates